The US Pavilion - Spontaneous Interventions

The United States exhibition addressed the theme of Common Ground in their exhibition Spontaneous Interventions.

Underlying their exhibition was a bottom up approach to architecture to address issues in the urban environment through a spontaneous intervention. It investigates a guerrilla style of architecture.

Visitors directly interacted with the exhibition, with the curatorial format being more of an interactive installation, whereby visitors pull down banners of urban solutions to see the urban problem and its resolution (action) reveled on the walls adjacent.

More information on these resolutions, solutions and actions can be found on their website:

Highly recommended!

The US Pavilion exteriorbright orange blocks provide a space for spontaneous talks and events.
they can be rearranged and stacked, and provide interaction with
visitors to the exhibition.
click to enlarge images
banners with solutions
corresponding issues and actions revealed on the wall when banner is pulled down.
the banners have allusions to national flags. 

each room addresses a particular theme of solution through -
equity, citizenship and protest

solution revealed!

example solution
more details on website!

more banner solutions


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